The Migazzi family

Permanent exhibition
Zlaté Moravce

Visitors of the Museum in Zlaté Moravce have the opportunity to experience the story of the Migazzi family in a new dimension, offered by the exhibition called THE MIGAZZI FAMILY.

The old gown of the socio-scientific exhibition of the Museum in Zlaté Moravce, made up of collections of archaeology, history, numismatics and ethnology, will be replaced by a new permanent exhibition called The Migazzi Family.  The exhibition spaces of the museum have transformed their original character after many years. Across an area of approximately 100 m2, you can find a modern installation of a historical theme dedicated to the noble Migazzi family.

Patrícia Žačiková, the director of the Nitra Regional Museum:

 „The Migazzi family is without a doubt the most fitting historical theme situated in the environment of the Migazzi Manor house, in which our exposition is located – the Museum in Zlaté Moravce. The team of the Nitra Regional Museum devoted almost two years to the preparation of the new modern exhibition.  It will present to visitors with more and less known information, photos and collection items related to the family’s past.  The author of the architectural design of the exhibition is Mgr. art. Radovan Labaš. The project’s realization is carried out by the company Institute of Technologies and Innovations, Ltd. from Bratislava. The new form of the exhibition space corresponds to current trends and demands for modern museum exhibitions.  Technological features such as video projection, audio guides, and a projection wall will be integral to the exhibition. A non-refundable financial contribution for implementation has been approved in the amount of 172 097,82 €. The museum will also offer an educational program with the same name intended for primary and secondary school students.“

The Migazzi Family Project – modernization of the material – technical and technological equipment of the  of the permanent exhibition is being implemented through a non-refundable financial contribution from the call MK SR – IROP-PO7-SC77-2021-75 and co-financed from the resources of the Nitra Self-governing Region.

The founder of the Nitra Regional Museum is the Nitra Self-governing Region.

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Štefánikova street 1 +421 37 651 00 00